On Sunday, November 19, Gateway will participate in "The Big Give." Instead of "coming" to church that morning, we'll "be" the church, serving in various parts of our community! Beginning Sunday, October 29, we’ll have signup sheets in the hallway behind the auditorium to register for specific tasks. They include…
Volunteering at a Habitat for Humanity worksite (must be age 16 and sign a waiver)
Worship and fellowship with residents at Countryside Village Nursing Center in Pikeville
Volunteering at Wayne Pregnancy Center/Cry Freedom Missions (specific tasks TBD)
Yardwork for Gateway families in need
Making Crafts for Nursing Home Residents/Packing Hygiene/Necessity Kits for the needy here at Gateway
Litter sweeping, pulling weeds, and planting flowers in downtown Goldsboro
Prepping freezer meals for needy families here at Gateway
And MORE!!
Some tasks are more family-friendly than others but for those with little ones too young to participate that day, check out this sheet with tasks you can complete that morning (or in the days before or after) as a family!
For a list of items we need to collect for the hygiene/necessity kits, please click here! Collection for these items will begin November 5.
That evening, we’ll gather here at Gateway (6 PM) for a totally family-friendly night of prayer, worship, baptism, communion, and celebration. We’ll look forward to seeing you here!
For more information, please contact us at info@g8way.cc!