Because of who we are in Christ…

…we have all been called into a lifelong transformation of becoming more and more like him. This transformation takes place through the power of the Holy Spirit, given to each believer at salvation. Through every moment, we remember who we are in Christ, use every opportunity and circumstance as a means of worship to Him, make much of His name, extend His kingdom and bring Him glory. We hold on to His promises and wait for the day when He will return, making all creation new, healing our wounds, wiping away our tears, and destroying sin, Satan and death once and for all. Simply put, this gospel calls everyone to respond to God’s message on three distinct but inseparable levels:


The gospel affirms being “made right” before God through repentance and faith in Jesus, becoming more like Christ daily by continual surrender to His Word and the Holy Spirit, giving evidence of God’s continued work in our lives and using our God-given gifts to advance His kingdom, and anticipating the day when God will perfect His people in His presence.


The gospel consistently affirms community. God’s communities are local congregations, where Christians, who have given evidence of their faith and repentance through believer’s baptism and life renewal, live out their faith in environments of prayer, fellowship, service, worship, and discipleship with love and accountability to each other.


The gospel is global and eternal. The church is entrusted with taking Christ’s message everywhere, both to glorify God and to show His love for all people. We live this out locally, nationally, and internationally.

Click here to learn more about how we seek to make disciples and share the gospel!